VMware Consolidated Backup End Of Availability

24 de febrero de 2010 por
Wetcom admin

Respetando la estrategia de dar empuje a la API de vStorage anunciada junto con el lanzamiento de la linea vSphere, VMware anuncia el End of Life de VMware Consolidated Backup, la herramienta y conjunto de scripts que permitía el respaldo de maquinas virtuales, y archivos contenidos en éstas.

Esta noticia confirma la posicion de VMware de promover el uso de sus APIs por parte de terceros y la utilizacion de la herramienta de Data Protection para los ambientes donde ésta pueda cubrir las espectativas de los clientes.

A continuacion el anuncio:


Announcing End of Availability for VMware Consolidated Backup
Dear Valued Customer,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our vSphere backup product strategy, ongoing enhancements, and end of availability plans for VMware Consolidated Backup.

VMware Backup Product Strategy
VMware released vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP) with the vSphere 4.0 release in May, 2009. VADP is the next generation of VMware’s backup framework. We have also been working with several backup partners to integrate VADP into their solutions to make backup of vSphere Virtual Machines fast, efficient and easy to deploy compared to VCB and other backup solutions. Several of our major backup partners have already released VADP integrated backup products and we expect most of the major backup partners to have VADP integrated backup software by the upcoming feature release of the vSphere platform in 2010.

Future Product Licensing
Given the strong interest and adoption of VADP by our backup eco-system and the benefits offered by VADP compared to VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB), we are announcing the End of Availability for VCB starting with next vSphere feature release in 2010. Starting with the next vSphere platform feature release, VCB will be removed from vSphere platform. VADP integrated backup products (including VMware Data Recovery) will be the recommended option for efficient backup and restoration of vSphere Virtual Machines. This will allow us to focus new value added feature development on VADP instead of two backup frameworks (VCB and VADP). You can find more information about the use of vStorage APIs for Data Protection in our Developer Community. For information on the availability of VADP integrated release of your backup product please contact your backup vendor.

End of Availability
With the release of the next vSphere platform, we will continue to provide the binaries for VCB, but they will not be compatible with the next platform release. We will continue to provide support for VCB on the current vSphere platform per the VMware support policy.

If you need assistance in the migration from VMware Consolidated Backup to the vStorage APIs for Data Protection, please contact your local reseller or storage backup vendor.

Best regards,
VMware Product Management

Fuente: vmware.com (link)

Leandro Santoro

Wetcom Group

Leandro Santoro

Technology  Consultant

Wetcom Group

T:+54   11 5254 7764 Ext.8446

C:+54 911 3112 2662

[email protected]

Wetcom Group